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Snow Guarantee

With our Snow Guarantee we promise 5 kilometers of open hills and 400 open altitude meters in Uvdal Ski Center, or the money back!


With Uvdal's location we are normally guaranteed a snowy and long ski season from mid November to late April. In addition, our snowmobile facility covers 75% of the lift capacity and ensures us over 5 months of great skiing.


Snow guarantee - your safety

The snow guarantee gives you financial security to book early and to visit us during all of the seasons..


Our snow guarantee promises you 5 kilometers and 400 altitude meters with skiing, or the money back.


If Uvdal Ski Center does not meet the requirements, you can choose not to travel to Uvdal and your payment to will be refunded.


The guarantee includes all bookings of accommodation made via



Conditions Snow Guarantee

o We guarantee minimum 5 kilometers of hills and 400 altitude meters.

o The guarantee is valid from 15th of December to 15th of April.

o The snow guarantee is released no later than 48 hours before arrival.

o The snow guarantee does not apply to temporarily closed lifts / trays caused by wind or technical problems.

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